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Back in Colombia, Huge Building News, Exciting Ministry Days — March 2023 Prayer Letter

Reading time: 3 minutes

Dear Praying Friends & Family,

Hello again from Colombia! We returned to the field in February after a great furlough. It’s so good to be in the place where the Lord has called us. We hit the ground running, and God is already working. I’m excited about the days ahead.

Exciting Building News

We have had some significant developments since our last letter. Several gifts have come in for our building fund for Agape Baptist Church. In addition, we received a generous matching-funds offer from Calvary Baptist in Ashland, OH. We now only need around $45,000 out of our $200,000 goal. But we urgently need your help. We only have until July to finish raising these funds. Would you consider giving toward this project? Whether you can give $50 or $5,000, every little bit helps! We plan to purchase the same church building we rent, which is also the site of our Bible Institute, medical clinic outreaches, recording studio, and more. If extra funds come in, we will put those aside for a future purchase of the adjoining lot as we grow. Gifts can be sent Online and by mail through Macedonia World Baptist Missions (PO Box 519, Braselton, GA 30517) and marked “A. Vance – Building.”

Strong Churches

We are so encouraged by the growth of each church we started here. Even in our absence, most have seen new people saved and added to the membership. In fact, our current main work, Agape, is now running around 180 people, and we will be adding another service starting in April to accommodate more growth.

In March, we had a joint men’s camp, wherein 65 men from our congregations came together to speak of the theme, “United For His Cause.” Each of our lead pastors shared a message on unity and the Gospel that brings us together.

Family Update

Our girls are back into the homeschool routine again here in Colombia. They were sad to leave our sending church’s school, Lighthouse Christian Academy, where they enjoyed time with new friends and awesome teachers last year. Such is missionary kid life — lots of transitions, hellos, and sad goodbyes. Aubrie is doing a fantastic job teaching the girls.

We still have pending doctor appointments to pinpoint Aubrie’s autoimmune condition and treatment plan. We’re looking for just the right doctors to help her. Until then, we take one day at a time!

As far as my arm after the accident over a year ago, the doctors just gave me a clean bill of health in March! This is a miracle because there was virtually no progress in bone healing for over six months, and the plan was to do a bone graft surgery this year. I’ve adjusted to permanent limited mobility.

Thank You

We couldn’t be here without your prayers and financial support, and we don’t take it for granted! Thank you for your faithfulness. May God continue to bless you and keep you. Let us know how we can be praying for you!

Grace and Peace to You,
Aaron & Aubrie Vance
(Along with the girls: Amira, Anabel, Aris & Alethea)

“For what thanks can we render to God again for you, for all the joy wherewith we joy for your sakes before our God;”

—1 Thessalonians 3:9—

Tickets Bought, Building to Buy, & Feliz Navidad — December 2022 Prayer Letter

Reading time: 3 minutes

Dear Praying Friends & Family,

This has been such a strange year. We have experienced many blessings, but we’ve also gone through many dark trials. Such is the Christian life. We long for that final day in which we are forever with Christ. Until then, we faint not!

Tickets Purchased For Our Return!

We are nearing the end of our 2022 furlough travels! Lord willing, we will return to Colombia on February 8th. The last 2-3 months have been the busiest by far. But God has blessed us in remarkable ways. During this furlough, we had 97 meetings in 40 different churches in 11 States. We’re thankful for the chance to visit some long-time supporting churches and add a couple of new monthly financial partners. We only lack around $400 per month to meet our monthly support goal.

Growing Ministry & Big Opportunities!

All four of our churches and Bible studies have grown since the start of our furlough. New salvations, baptisms, church members, and people training for ministry have been evident in each congregation. What great joy to hear these dear believers are walking in truth (3 John 4).

We’re on our way to meeting our goal of $200,000 by mid-2023 to purchase our current building for Agape Baptist Church. Pray if God would have you or your church invest in this opportunity to continue to reach Colombians with the Gospel for generations to come. You can make your tax-deductible gift Online ( or by mail (MWBM Inc., PO Box 519, Braselton, GA, 30517) and mark it “A. Vance — Building.”

Here is a quick video I recently recorded from the church building:

We also look forward to hosting another team from Medical Mission Outreach to do an Optical clinic from June 22- July 1, 2023. If you are interested in joining this trip, find more information on their website:

Aubrie’s & Aaron’s Health

We still have no definitive answers concerning Aubrie’s autoimmune condition. She has gone through five levels of testing to pinpoint the issue but to no avail. As of now, we plan to follow up with rheumatologist and neurologist specialists in Colombia. Pray that we find some answers soon.

In December, I also had more imaging and tests done to see how my arm was healing after being run over by a truck in January 2022. Unfortunately, one of the fractures in my forearm still hasn’t progressed as expected. We’re still looking at a possible bone-graft surgery next year to fill in the gaps. They also suspect I am developing Dupuytren’s Contractures in one of my hands which may require surgery in a couple of years if it worsens. We long for that glorified body!

¡Feliz Navidad Y Año Nuevo!

From our family to yours, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May the peace of God keep your hearts; may his grace be sufficient in your needs; may his love define your identity; may his power fill your lives; and may his Word sanctify you in every good work. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. 

In Christ’s Perfect Love,
Aaron & Aubrie Vance
(Along with the girls: Amira, Anabel, Aris & Alethea)

“For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;

— 2 Corinthians 4:16-17 —

Vance Family to Colombia — September 2022 Prayer Letter

Reading time: 3 minutes

Dear Praying Friends & Family,

Colombia Trip Update

I traveled back to Colombia for a brief trip at the end of August. I preached and taught 12 times in 10 days in three of our churches, counseled several families and church leaders, and encouraged the men who are training for ministry. Additionally, I met with my surgeon and had a court hearing related to the accident in January in which I was run over by a delivery truck. It was a busy yet very blessed trip! One of the highlights was meeting with 20 new adults and their children who were in the middle of a new member’s class. These are mostly new believers, and all were reached since we left in May for our furlough. Christ is building his church! We’re already looking forward to our return early next year.

Medical Update

The orthopedic specialist who operated on my arm this January mentioned that I may need another bone graph surgery if one of the fractures doesn’t improve by December. Though I’ve learned to live with the pain and limited mobility, I would love to avoid this surgery if possible. Pray for healing.

Additionally, at the beginning of September, Aubrie tested positive for some type of auto-immune disease. More tests need to be run, but it appears we may have a long road ahead of us. There are many unknowns. Lately, it has just been one thing after another. May God’s grace be sufficient moment by moment.

Furlough Update

We are about to shift to another gear of our furlough, also known as “mission conference season.” From September through November, I will be traveling up and down the east coast and participating in several back-to-back conferences, both as a speaker and guest missionary. Pray for us during this busy time. May Christ allow us to encourage his churches and raise awareness for the cause of world evangelism. Pray for Aubrie and the girls, as they will mostly stay close to our home base in Georgia while the girls are in school. It’s hard not to be together.

Building Update

We are thankful for a couple of churches that have already sent in special offerings to help us with the $200,000 needed to buy the building we currently rent for our latest church, Ágape Baptist Church. This is also where we have our Bible College, big community outreach efforts, and television recording studio. We still have a long way to go, but I am confident that the funds will come in God’s timing. If you would like to make an eternal investment in reaching many people for years to come, you can send donations through our Mission Board and mark the checks or online giving “A. Vance – Building.” 

Thank you once again for holding the ropes for us. God is using your faithful prayers and financial support to help us reach and train many souls in Colombia and South America. This is all spiritual fruit added to your account! 

With Love & Grateful Hearts,
Aaron & Aubrie Vance
(Along with the girls: Amira, Anabel, Aris & Alethea)

“But I have all, and abound: I am full, having received of Epaphroditus the things which were sent from you, an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, wellpleasing to God. But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”.

— Philippians 4:18-19 —

New Year, New Growth — February 2021 Prayer Letter

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Dear Praying Friends & Family,

It’s a new year, and God is still at work in Colombia and around the world! Aren’t you glad that our God was not surprised by the pandemic and other events of the past year?

New Baptisms And Church Growth

Our most recent church, Ágape Baptist Church, has continued to grow since its inception in November. We have seen new people attend weekly, and many are finally understanding the Gospel for the first time. Even last week, we were able to baptize three men who recently believed in Christ for salvation. We have around 30 adults attending a new members class this month, preparing to join us as we officially organize as a church in March. I am thrilled at how the Lord is building his church, and he is allowing us to have a small part. Thank you, again, to those who have prayed for and given specifically to this new work.

Faithful Men Training Faithful Men

Years ago, before we started the first church in Colombia, I asked God to give me one or two men to train for the ministry. Over these past seven years, he has called many more than I even asked for, and they have been faithful men. Our first churches are now running fully autonomously, and their leaders are even planning on how they can reach new areas with the Gospel. New Bible studies are being started, many times without our direct involvement. Some of the first generation of men we saw saved and trained are meeting with and training a new generation of preachers, who, in turn, will reach others. This multiplication process has been the goal since the beginning. I think only eternity will tell the total reach of this ministry. It is incredible to see and be able to participate in this work. Let us continue to be faithful in the process, and God will bring the fruit.

Setback in the Adopted Church

I mentioned in our last letter that we would be assuming leadership of a small nearby congregation. Right after we sent out that update, it seems that everything fell through, at least for now. The meeting place, the logistics, and even the people’s will seemed to all fall apart. It may have been because of the Christmas season, but we will see. Pray that God gives us wisdom in how, or if, we should proceed.

Family News

It appears that Aubrie and a couple of the girls contracted COVID at some point in January. Thankfully, their symptoms were mild, and they have fully recovered. Since late last year, my health has been a big concern, as I have had five random abdominal attacks. The doctors haven’t figured out the issue yet, so we appreciate your prayers. We also are happy to inform you that we could take from our personal savings over the last 11 years and purchase a home debt-free in February. This is a huge answer to prayer! The whole ordeal was clearly a work of God. The house is quaint and may need a little work, but the location, price, and timing were perfect. Pray as we try to get the necessary repairs done and move during the next couple of months. 

Thank you once again for your prayers and support. Let us be faithful until Jesus comes.

In Him, By Him, For Him,
Aaron, Aubrie, Amira, Anabel, Aris and Alethea Vance

PS – Here is a video update with the content of this letter that you can share with your church.

This new church would not have been started, were it not for COVID!

Jersson is one of several men who were recently baptized.

It’s exciting to get photos like these, another adult Bible study being led by the men we trained.

The “Santísimo” is a large statue of Jesus that overlooks our city. We look forward to the day Colombia can know the real Jesus!

The kids all pitched in to make over 100 sandwiches to distribute to the homeless on Christmas Eve.

Aubrie is an amazing wife and mom. We celebrated her birthday in February.