About Aubrie

Aubrie Jade Vance

Birthday: February 10

Birthplace: Ashland, Ohio

Favorite Verse: 1 John 4:18

Favorite Food: Aaron’s Cream Cheese & Fruit Crepes 🙂

Aubrie’s Testimony


I’m Aubrie. I was born and raised in Ashland, Ohio. After I graduated from Ashland High school I went to Appalachian Bible College in West Virginia, where I minored in missions. Next, I went to the University of Akron in Ohio and majored in zoology. I thought I would become a missionary zoologist–someone who could rescue animals and take the Gospel to all parts of the world. I never imagined that God had bigger better plans for me than I had for myself.

The Lord had a wonderful godly man waiting on me to become his wife. I grew up in a very broken home and had started losing hope that ‘single’ wonderful godly men still existed, but I was more than pleasantly surprised to find that they do, and that he did :). <To all the single Christians out there, I encourage you to wait for the one God has for you. Save sex for marriage and pray and fast before giving your heart away when you think it might be ‘the one.’>

Anyways, back to my testimony… Even though I came from a broken home, my mother took my brother and me to church every week. One Sunday after church when I was very young I asked my mom how I could have Jesus save me. So she helped me understand that all I had to do was believe in Jesus and ask him to forgive me from all the bad things that I had done. So, after I asked Jesus to forgive me I really wanted others to know as well. I told kids at school and invited classmates to church. As I grew I started serving in different ministries in the church. I helped out in the nursery, became the church photographer for the teenagers, helped out with Sunday school, the bus ministry, visitation, choir, nursing home ministry, fair ministry, and most anything else I could be a part of.

After college I went on a medical missions trip to Arequipa, Peru, where my heart grew larger for the Spanish language and Hispanic people. Shortly after the trip I met my Honey, Aaron, who was pastoring a Spanish church at the time. I am so thankful and blessed to have him as my husband and have a beautiful baby girl from God. I wouldn’t want my life any other way. I love serving God with my husband. It’s the greatest life anyone could ever hope for.

If any ladies would like to contact me you’re welcome to email me at aubrievance@yahoo.com.


  1. I will pray for you. I am from Colombia too. Thanks to go there. My husband is Colombian too we are helping in the Hispanic Ministry in our Church, Tabernacle Baptist Church in Hickory NC. We know a the Missionary Family Bolin that is working in Colombia for more than 20 years. Probably you can contact them. Thay have just give a church to a national Pastor there in Bogota and they are begining a new ministry there. I will be praying for you. God Bless you.

    I am Sandra Sarria and my Husband is Fernando Sarria

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