About Aaron

Aaron Lee Vance

Birthday: August 6

Place of Birth: Kalispell, Montana

Favorite Verse: Philippians 1:20-21

Favorite Food: Anything!

Aaron’s Testimony

I was raised in a good christian home. At a young age God showed me my sinful state and my need of Him. I repented of my sins and accepted him as my Lord and Savior.

As the son of a missionary family (and grandson of another missionary), I was around missions constantly, and at the age of 11 I surrendered my life to be a missionary. As a very young man I began to seek God’s daily will through reading his word, serving in my church, and eventually going on mission trips. God has opened the door for me to go to over a dozen countries on mission trips, including studying in Peru, South America for my first year of college. In the Baptist College for World Evangelism, I studied for the field, on the field with veteran missionaries and pastors.

My education took me to Dawsonville, Georgia, where I continued my studies with Pastor Charles Blackstock at Lighthouse Baptist Church. Shortly after beginning at the college there, Pastor Blackstock asked me to come on his staff as an assistant. Then, in my senior year, God allowed me to begin Iglesia Bautista El Faro, the Spanish ministry at Lighthouse. I pastored this work for 4 and one half years, and we saw many people come to know the Lord, be baptized and get involved in christian service. It has been an honor to serve the Great Shepherd as pastor of these precious people.

During the past several years God has placed a special burden on my heart for Colombia. He has given me a love for reaching Hispanic people and the ability to learn to speak Spanish fluently. Colombia is commonly reported of as one of the least evangelized countries in Latin America. Though God’s word, open doors, godly counsel and confirming circumstances we are confident that He has called us to reach this country. We took a survey trip in February 2011 to see Colombia and he broke our hearts even more for this place and these people who need Him.

In spring of 2011 we turned the Spanish Church over to our Co-Pastor, Alfonso Gonzalez, and my wife and I began deputation to go to the country of Colombia as missionaries. We are excited to see what He will do through us as we seek to magnify Him.

If my family can do anything for you, please don’t hesitate to let us know!

  1. por favor pastor Aaron me pued enviar el correo del pastor Rafael Barranquilla lo perdi gracias y bendiciones

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