Category Archives: Medical Missions Outreach

Thousands Served, and Hundreds Saved! — June 2023 Prayer Letter

Reading time: 3 minutes

Dear Praying Friends & Family,

It has been a very busy season here in Colombia, and God continues to do amazing things! Hundreds of people have come to know and believe the Gospel in the last few months. Thank you for praying for us and for supporting us financially to be able to serve on the mission field.

Addition & Multiplication

Our primary church, Ágape Baptist Church, has continued to grow immensely. We added an extra Sunday morning service two months ago to accommodate the new people. Our weekly attendance is now over 240 individuals each Sunday! Besides the new attendance highs, we’re even more excited about people getting saved, baptized, discipled, and added to our church. We hold a “Faithful Men” meeting every Monday for men who feel a call toward ministry. The name of this meeting is based on 2 Timothy 2:2. It is one of my favorite times of the week, as I meet with 20-25 men hungry to grow spiritually and serve the Lord Jesus. Pray for them as they prepare to follow God’s leading, and as they teach others also.

Special Guests From The USA

In June, we enjoyed a refreshing visit with a group from First Baptist Church in Ashland, Ohio. Over a week, they helped us distribute many thousands of Gospel tracts! The group saw our city’s need and some ministries and churches God has allowed us to start here over the years. We put Pastor Stollings to work preaching and teaching six times! We also enjoyed having a young man named Samuel with us for three weeks. He is praying about being a missionary and even considering Colombia. Pray that God would direct his steps.

Huge Outreach Effort

At the end of June, we also hosted a group of 27 volunteers from Medical Missions Outreach to offer a vision clinic to our community. The devil fought tirelessly, and he did his best to stop everything. However, we still helped over 1,500 people with glasses. Each person heard the Gospel one-on-one, and we praise the Lord for at least 290 professions of faith! Each number represents a person, a soul whom the Lord loves. We are already looking forward to MMO’s return in August of 2024.

Here’s a video walkthrough with Irma, an actual patient from the clinic.

Almost to the Goal!

We’re inching closer to being able to purchase our current rented facility. Out of the initial $200,000 goal, thanks to many of you, we are only lacking around $30,000! Would you consider helping us reach this goal in the next few months? Every little bit helps! For those wondering, our next stage would be to also purchase the empty lot behind our church and expand our auditorium and classroom space in God’s timing and according to his will.

Family Funnies

A friend recently told Alethea (5 years old) that her shoes were on the wrong feet, and her big sister Aris (8 years old) said they’re always on the wrong feet because she’s left-handed.

With Love in Christ Jesus,
Aaron & Aubrie Vance
(Along with the girls: Amira, Anabel, Aris & Alethea)

“I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy, For your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now;”

—Philippians 1:3-5—